Saturday, May 29, 2004

Friday Is Good!

to parallel mini-me's blog, i stayed up with our illustrious neighbor until all hours of the morning (7) kicking ass at cooperative halo on his big screen. this said, i was expecting to have an ass-dragging night of work this evening. i was wrong. i actually got to sleep for a few hours today and when beans woke me on her arrival home from work, i felt remarkably good. so i hopped out of bed, went to the store and bought clothes. "bought clothes" you may ask? well--none of mine are clean...the lazy and affluent triumph again--huzzah!
this evening turned into street-fighter night at the old tryon creek bar and grill. at the end of the night, i picked up over a hundred coasters off of the floor because they were being thrown all over the bar like shiruken to the resounding "OI-EUKET" or "TIGER" or "TAKE THAT, YOU FUCKER!" i myself scored many a hit from over fifty paces...i even managed to knock someone's baseball cap nearly off! with all of the tom-foolery that was being perpetrated, oddly enough, no one was hurt...there was some beer spillage, but that is merely alcohol abuse.
another side note to all you boys...every night i see new pretty young girl faces...and every thing else. there are more moving into the immediate area of my bar all the time. get whilst the getting is good; summer is upon us!!!!! oh to be back in college.


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