Saturday, May 15, 2004

Wow It's Late

it's an iteresting game all together! it is almost five in the morning, and i have been sleeping on a lazy-boy for the last hour. i ended up being the good samaritan with my friend todd, and driving our other friends cars home from the bar at in. i drove wendy's car to her house, todd followed picking me up from the house, taking me to the bar where i then jumped in NYTRAVIS' car (more to come about "gayvis" or travis from nyc) and repeat the process, then back to the bar to retrieve the bean-wagon (james' car) and return to the house party! the beer arrived and the OTHER debauch began, and in the midst of some conversation, i fell to sleeping on an extremely comfortable chair. upon waking to the sounds of a female wresting match (all in good fun, so greatly interesting to every male in the room), i found that i was out past my bedtime, made my goodbyes to the owner of the house (wendy) and high-tailed it home. at this point, my eyes keep closing on me, but, by god, i will do this posting thing every night come hell or high water.

in the immortal words of OZZY, "I love you all!"


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