Thursday, June 03, 2004

And Then With The Sex...

the bar was full of sex tonight. yes, sex! not only were there the normal smattering of sexual advances directed at yours truly, a couple of the regulars really got into it! the first really obvious crew was big-d's girlfriend and one of the trashy bar-ho's. this little trashy-trashy is particularly trashy in a trashy 80's kind of way...fingerless gloves and all...even though she is only 21 or 22. the two of them (trashy and girlfriend) spent about an hour in the women's restroom going to town on each other before it was brought to my attention (incidentally, by big-d!) and i chased them out of there. everyone left in the bar soon found out that the privacy of the restroom had little to do with the porn--oh, no no no! they retired to their table where they proceeded to continue making out hotly. yes, boys and girls, i got some vid on the old digital camera to show the wife--now she will believe me! i'm fairly confident that big-d is capitalizing on this situation and his near-by hot-tub even as i type this for your amusement.

while this was all good fun, at the end of the night, when all the other little kiddies had scampered for home, i stumbled on a crew hanging back by the restrooms. i sweetly told them they had to leave, and one of the gals, in an ever so discrete fashion, prompted me to check the bathrooms before locking the doors. isn't that special. sure enough, in a stall in the ladies, there was a nice young couple actually fucking. huzzah! that is an oldie but goodie! and she was so cute trying to be oh so quiet and all. i informed "whoever was in the restrooms," that i was locking the doors and everyone needed to clear out. to their credit, they emerged from the restroom only a few minutes later looking so mildly disheveled as to nearly fool the untrained eye.

what fun! but a word of advice to the restroom snoggers from kindly old doc forkbeard: try not to get "entangled" when you are the only ones in the bar and said bar is trying to close....leave yourself enough time to git-er-done and still have a crowd left to blend into!

on a side note, the old doc was actually interviewed on a fantastic fact, one of if not the oldest blog! just hit up that site go to the "corner" to read about the pretty little monkey harassing old ivar about the fine art of bartending! yes, it's on the same page as the interview with asia carrera! big time, baby!


Blogger Ivar said...

good lord that's filthy...the both of you!

5:17 PM  

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