Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Out And Around

so it has come to my attention that i have been "outed" in certain circles. that is fine for me...granted you know that when i say me, i mean peter griffin's evil twin that does and says all the things he shouldn't, given polite society. so, just to be clear, anything i have done or said is all a product of that rancid "peter griffin" character, and the ideas and opinions voiced by this author are here to with null and void. i do apologize for my (or his) evil twin and make all further references to life and productivity in my name and my name alone!

may the rock continue in that special fashion, and may my parents never know that this is truly me!

in the immortal words of ozzy, yet again, "i love you all!"

erin, you are the best...and the queen of evil! thank the gods for sauza! hehe;)


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