Thursday, March 16, 2006

Sometimes I Do Win

this is it, kids. the forkbeard has defied logic and nature and gone a month without drinking. i did it. it's good to know i can without really being a mess. but then again, if i was a mess from a month of no poison, that would be a different thing all together--do the vices run you or the other way around? i now know for sure.

so as i coast out of the last night of self inflicted binge sobriety, i remind you all of the ways of the warlord:
-that which does not kill us makes us harder to kill
-let no thing under the allfather's sky be your master completely
-strength is respected and help will be granted to those who help themselves
-passion is a blessing in all of it's forms...treat this as a wondrous puzzle
-live well and hard for each day may be your last--all is taken into account at the doors of valhalla
-keep all that you are open to what you may experience and pay attention to what is given you--it is all a gift

be safe in your endeavours and if you need to go all out, you should! be larger than life at very least once in your life!!!!


Blogger Purring said...

First. woohoo.

7:10 AM  
Blogger Purring said...

NOW I feel larger than life!

7:10 AM  

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